Notice: Function _load_textdomain_just_in_time được gọi không chính xác. Tải bản dịch cho miền woocommerce được kích hoạt quá sớm. Đây thường là dấu hiệu cho thấy một số mã trong plugin hoặc chủ đề chạy quá sớm. Bản dịch phải được tải tại hành động init hoặc sau đó. Vui lòng xem Hướng dẫn Debug trong WordPress để biết thêm thông tin. (Thông điệp này đã được thêm vào trong phiên bản 6.7.0.) in /home/nhdiex6z/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
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Windows 10 change name of folder in quick access free download

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Use mklink /j command to create a symbolic link. Fire up File Explorer by pressing Windows+E, and navigate to a directory with either a file or folder to rename. Open File Explorer to the. How to Rename a File or Folder in Windows 10 (Easy Method) · 1. Open Windows File Explorer · 2. Select ‘Rename’ from the contextual menu · 3. Edit.


Windows 10 change name of folder in quick access free download


However, you may find that there is no Rename option after you right-click the user folder. Then how to change user folder name in Windows 10? This tutorial provides 2 ways to help you with Windows 10 change user folder name task. But some people find that this only changes the user folder name, but not the user account name.

If you search a file in the user folder, you will find that the user folder name in the directory is still the old one. To really change user account name in Windows 10 and rename the user folder, you can try Way 2.

Attention: Changing user folder name or editing the Registry is risky and may cause data loss. In this article, we will see how to change the displayed name for folders pinned to Quick Access. Suppose you have the following folders on your disk drive. See this screenshot:. See the result:.

All folders are pinned under the same name. There is no way to tell which folder is located on which drive without clicking it. Once you rename the target folder, it becomes clear. Unfortunately, sometimes you cannot rename the target folder as it can be in use by other apps and services. The Quick Access location does not offer an option to rename pinned items:.

See the following screenshot:. The mklink command will create a symbolic link to the folder you want to pin to Quick Access but this symbolic link will be stored with a new name inside the “Pinned Folders” directory. So in my case, I should execute the following commands:. As NPT66 mentioned, creating symbolic links is the way to go.

Quote from another article here thanks to Cecilia Zhou, whom I’m quoting! If it’s not working, make sure you have each path in quotes if there are spaces in any of the folder names e. Then, you can replace the network drive letter in the path to the network drive folder with the correct server name.

At least for Network locations If you’ve tried like me to add a network location to a Library – denied due to it not being indexed and ridiculously, the link presented in the dialog box, “How can this folder be indexed? Forget it, I’m pretty sure MS don’t want you to use “Libraries” anymore Just use the System Folders, and network shares. Feel free to rename the shortcuts you create here so that they are sorted to your liking! Strangely, the ‘Desktop’ under ‘This PC’ is not actually your Desktop – I don’t know what the go is here, but when you change the Navigation Pane to ‘Show all folders’, your actual Desktop appears at the top, and will have all the other content in it that is actually on your Desktop.

With a second Desktop still under This PC I am on a work Domain, so I don’t know if this has something to do with it , and crazily Folders on your actual Desktop appear at the very bottom of the Navigation Pane! It infuriates me that the Navigation Pane is not able to be custom sorted, but that is yet another UX issue.

A possibility that may or may not be suitable in your situation You can amend the display alias of any folder without renaming it using a desktop. You can’t set this from File Explorer the interface still exists but no longer works on the folder itself, only the files within it : you have to use a Command Prompt.

Quick Access will respect this convention, although some apps will fail to display the alias and will show the actual path instead. The desktop. Bear in mind that if you change the alias for a system folder, such as Documents, Pictures, Music, Videos, then the names will remain fixed when the language of the OS is changed implications for Multilingual users.

Also, once an alias is defined in desktop. I tried various proposed solutions involving links made through mklink, Junction and Powershell commands creating links named what I preferred to name the Quick Access to a remote folder , but none worked. Here is a work-around that was successful remote machine is Windows 7 , at least for my purposes:. Create a Share Name that is what you want for the Quick Access item.

In right pane look for the share name you added above. Right-click it and select “Pin to Quick Access”. Hope this helps.

I’m really impressed how Microsoft will spend the resources on someone to monitor and make ridiculously petty comments on how a post is marked but won’t offer any hope of a solution. And I wouldn’t plan on seeing them fix this, since they still haven’t fixed the problem with the excel screen freezing after unlocking Pane views.

It’s great that users can rely on each other to fix problems Microsoft creates and can’t be bothered addressing. You wouldn’t know how to fix Excel Freeze Pane locking the display when you change a filter, would you?

That’s been around since I really love Tiles. Too bad I can’t use Tiles on Win 10 Desktop without losing the basic purpose of Windows – having multiple applications open at the same time that I can both view and use. I can have two side by side, oh boy! Really useful on a 27″ screen. I may as well go back to a 12″ monitor. Microsoft finally gets things right with Windows 8.

Will edit your registry keys to add favorites back and you can disable quick access as well if you want. Under each user account go to the documents folder and create a folder named as you’s like to see under quick access. Pin that to quick access. In that folder create a shortcut to the folder you would like to open on the network. That worked! Thank you! But really mapping a Network Connection to a letter is a possibility but limited to the number of letters in the Alphabet After that you can rename that “drive” to whatever you want and then really Pin it to Quick access and there your selected name is shown.

Another quirky workaround, but mklink workaround doesn’t work for the network drives I need to access. Office Office Exchange Server. Not an IT pro? Sign in. United States English. Ask a question. To answer your query, you can refer on this link. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn’t help. Thanks for your feedback. Please refer to Teemo Tang ‘s answer from the link provided by Shiella Sto.

She gives a workaround for your concern.